Brand Personification: Playing god is not easy

When I was listening to Alexander Wang in WebSummit 2019 (read my post about the Summit here), his thoughts about Lil Miquela caught my attention and kept me thinking: Avatars, influencers, celebrities, leaders, spokespeople… They are all about finding the right narrative for an abstract entity or a community: A brand, a political point of […]

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What kind of a leader are you?

It is so interesting to see how cultures and values shape our personalities and choices. I was reading this article and I found myself getting angry about the encouragement around “faking confidence” which is positioned as better than being modest. I faked confidence myself many times, sometimes you need to do that. Sometimes you fall […]

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I have been waiting for a while to write this article. It is about my favorite brand that I served for 6 years. Six years in a big multinational is definitely not enough to say I know it all… However, it is definitely enough to feel a belonging. And belonging is such a strong feeling […]

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