Brand Personification: Playing god is not easy

When I was listening to Alexander Wang in WebSummit 2019 (read my post about the Summit here), his thoughts about Lil Miquela caught my attention and kept me thinking: Avatars, influencers, celebrities, leaders, spokespeople… They are all about finding the right narrative for an abstract entity or a community: A brand, a political point of […]

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Nike & Kaepernick: Is it crazy enough?

It has been around five months since Nike’s new ‘crazy’ campaign was kicked off. Back then, I tried to make my point very clear with this post. I suggested two possible scenarios which could happen: Crazy (?) and controversial: No matter what the politicians say/do, Nike keeping loyal to the original inclusive design of the […]

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Let’s grow some beard, girl!

I will not use a brand name directly and/or share a link here. I will call them as “Jimmys’ friends” – a very useful term Hannah Gadsby created: Because even a very negative feedback is beneficial in some cases, we all know how it works: debate generates buzz, buzz spreads content, content helps SEO, SEO […]

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Another Nike post, so what?

It has been a while since I had no strong motivation to talk about brands and communications, trying to find my way in the Island of Malta in such an interesting industry. However, I cannot shut my mouth about what is happening in USA with Nike. Because this is not only about Nike, or Trump, […]

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When search made it easy

I am getting old I assume. Last week I noticed two campaigns which reminded me of some old legendary campaigns. Years ago, these works would be spotted out and accused of being plagiarised. But nowadays even the ad blogs are not into those discussions. Are we getting lazy, ignorant or even tired of trying of […]

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Let’s not be reasonable

Super Bowl is coming. We may watch many adverts that are influenced by the surprising results of presidential elections. We may see & hear brave messages about unity, diversity, patriotism, freedom… anything that would make USA citizens remember their shared (?) values. It would be such an opportunity for brands to demonstrate a bold attitude […]

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Fight, flight, freak or freeze

So what is the difference between Coca-Cola and Pepsi… Some may claim that there is none, but the majority will state a difference; a taste difference, a difference about their advertising style, something about the colours and packaging… It does not matter what they say, but the majority would believe that there is a difference. […]

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